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API magento from external PHP script

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API magento from external PHP script

Hello everyone,


I need to insert some products in magento 2 using REST API from a PHP script. I'm thinking to use the cURL to connect to my magento server. Reading the webapi.xml i found /V1/products/:sku. my PHP code how do i write the piece ":sku"?

Like this "$ch = curl_init("http://magento.m2/index.php/rest/V1/products/{sku}")"?
But if I have to insert more than one product i can put this in a cycle? Or how?




Re: API magento from external PHP script

Yes you need to call create product rest api of magento 2 in a loop(cycle).


for example,lets say you have id from 1 to 10 and you would like to create 10 products of magento 2 using rest api.


First you need to create a loop and call function which creates products


Below is the example  code for loop(cycle) :



$id = 1;
$result = $this->createm2product();


Below is your createm2product function :

public function createm2product()
$magento2url = "http://your_m2_url/index.php/rest/V1/products/";
    $m2accesstoken = "2qamuatacwclnfgqd5856awjo7adhe42"; // here you need to pass access token
    $params = array("product"=>$param_final = array(
        'sku'               => 'your_product_sku',
        'name'              => 'your_product_name',
        'type_id'           => 'your_product_type_id', //here you need to pass product type id
        'price'             => 120,
        'attribute_set_id'  => 4,
        'visibility'         => 'your_visiblity_id', // here you need to pass your visibility id ex - 4(catalog,search)
        'extension_attributes' => array(
            'stockItem' => array(
                'qty' => 12,

$methodname = "POST";
$response = executeRest($magento2url,$params,$m2accesstoken,$methodname);
$response_final = json_decode($response,true);
return $response_final;	


Below is the function code for curl request :

function executeRest($requestURL,$params,$adminToken,$methodname){
    $data_string = json_encode($params); 
    $curl = curl_init($requestURL);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,$methodname);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array(
        'Authorization:Bearer '.$adminToken
    $response = curl_exec($curl); 

    return $response;

For more reference and to know about parameters you can refer this link -


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Re: API magento from external PHP script

Hi @Manthan Dave,


thank you for your answer. I have tried it but doen't work. No errors returns but It doesn't create any product in magento 

Re: API magento from external PHP script

If product is not created , then error is there in error log file.


so kindly check error log file and post the error log for the same.


also before using script , please check with postman application , call api from their first , if product is created from there or not ?

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Re: API magento from external PHP script

Hi, it works on my site. The product successfully created on admin site however it does not display for website. In addition the price and quantity attribute also not appear while editing the product.