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Adding new buttons in Admin

Adding new buttons in Admin

I am working on this new module for Magento, that integrates with some local suppliers that provide a dropshipping service for their products.

The module has a feature to get various details from the suppliers system using a webservice.


For this I have create some files under app -> Code -> MyVendor -> MyModule -> Controller -> Adminhtml -> Order -> GetDropshippingStatus.php

The contents could be something like this:


namespace Conviator\AO\Controller\Sales\Order;

class GetDropShippingStatus extends \Magento\Sales\Controller\Adminhtml\Order
    public function execute()
        // Do what we have to do

        // Redirect back

I have also added a plugin to create the buttons on the Order Details Page/View

The below is an example of a button to trigger the above:

                        'label' => __('Get Dropshipping Order Status'),
                        'onclick' => "confirmSetLocation('" . __('Are you sure you want get status for this order?') . "', '{$subject->getUrl('*/*/getdropshippingstatus')}')",
                        'class' => 'go'

However, when I click the button inside Magento, it gives me a 404 error page.


How should I construct the button to actually hit the code defined previously?