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Admin product search optimization

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Admin product search optimization

Hello Group,


My site has 200k+ Products with various attributes. I want to have admin side speedup in products search. I can see several optimization ways for front end search but not too much for admin end. It takes lot of search time for getting a result. Example the admin searching for a product based on SKU need to wait around 30 to 60 sec in the auto suggest. The client who wants to do this is not happy by clicking the advanced search button in admin product list.


So I started to create an extension for optimization. I looked into the core module module-catalog-search and I see the product_listing.xml that will have the search. I took this extension as an example In this example, they have included a category search in product listing product_listing.xml. Is that the way I should optimize?


Thanks for any guidance.


Re: Admin product search optimization

Is this something not done in magento 2 or am I missing something basic?