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Automatic preference activation based on magento version

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Automatic preference activation based on magento version

Hi everybody.

Suggest me please how should I properly fight with magento2 core bugs?

I have my extension which I want to be compatible with different Magento versions.


As an example there is next situation.

In the Magento 2.2.6 there is a bug which affects us reset any password, see:


I fixed that by adding a preference for several of my clients.

I'd want to add that preference to my released plugin, but I really want it to be activated only if a client has 2.2.6 installed.


And I can't simply use


inside of the preference class, because that class has changed not only one buggy function, it also has sheet of private methods and private parameters used in that function.


I'd want to have something in di.xml, but as I found it wasn't invented.

Maybe someone knows other solution.

Thanks for advise.



Re: Automatic preference activation based on magento version

Hello @plodistov

into di.xml not possible to check Magento 2 version but into plugin class possible to check that thing.


you can write code into plugin class and check version 2.2.6 run your code otherwise use parent,


 $objManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
  $magentoVersion = $objManager->get('Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadataInterface');
  echo $magentoVersion->getVersion();

by using above code you can get magento 2 version

hope it will help you, if work then mark as solution

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Sunil Patel
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer & Frontend Developer