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Billing/shipping address blocks in the checkout screen

Billing/shipping address blocks in the checkout screen

Hello everyone,


We just migrated from Magento 1 to M2 and I am trying to customize our checkout screen using one of the many 1 step checkout extensions.


We have separated the billing and shipping address blocks but noticed that the email address connected to the account as well as the password seems to be tied to the shipping address block. That is, we have to put the email and password for the customer to login inside the shipping address block.


As this was very confusing to the customers (They thought this is the email address of the person the order is being shipped to) we wanted to move it to the Billing address block but were told that this is virtually impossible as this is part of M2 core functionality.


Since then I've checked several sites running on Magento and have confirmed that most if not all of them have the email address just before the shipping address.


To me at least this is a major design flaw in terms of business processes. When a customer wants to buy a gift she should be able to enter her email address and her billing address before moving on to the shipping address. 


Does anyone have any clue as to whether I was given the wrong info by the extension developer or whether this strange behavior is part of M2 core functionality? Is it possible to decouple the email address/password from the shipping address block?


Thanks in advance




Re: Billing/shipping address blocks in the checkout screen

 Go to file app/code/SR/ModifiedCheckout/Plugin/Block/LayoutProcessor.php and update as per below. ... public function aroundProcess( \Magento\Checkout\Block\Checkout\LayoutProcessor $subject, \Closure ...billing-under-shipping-address-m2/ ... 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/full-screen-loader', tellpopeyes

Re: Billing/shipping address blocks in the checkout screen

Did you find a solution to this?

Re: Billing/shipping address blocks in the checkout screen

@frank95a wrote:

Hello everyone,


We just migrated from Magento 1 to M2 and I am trying to customize our checkout screen using one of the many 1 step checkout extensions.


We have separated the billing and shipping address blocks but noticed that the email address connected to the account as well as the password seems to be tied to the shipping address block. That is, we have to put the email and password for the customer to login inside the shipping address block.


As this was very confusing to the customers (They thought this is the email address of the person the order is being shipped to) we wanted to move it to the Billing address block but were told that this is virtually impossible as this is part of M2 core functionality.


Since then I've checked several sites running on Magento and have confirmed that most if not all of them have the email address just before the shipping address.


To me at least this is a major design flaw in terms of business processes. When a customer wants to buy a gift she should be able to enter her email address and her billing address before moving on to the shipping address. 


Does anyone have any clue as to whether I was given the wrong info by the extension developer or whether this strange behavior is part of M2 core functionality? Is it possible to decouple the email address/password from the shipping address block?


Thanks in advance



WooCommerce shipping and billing address section is the most important section in the checkout. It works well by default. Sometimes you need something more. You can't change the way it works and looks or... can you? I'll teach you in this article how to customize these sections the way you want!
