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Changing routes depending on Store View (Language)

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Changing routes depending on Store View (Language)

Hi together, 

I would like to change the Magento urls like /customer/account or /wishlist depending on the Store View (better said language) the user is currently on. 

I made a custom module and created the routes.xml which works like a charm but of course changes the urls for all store views. Is there a possibility to change the urls depending on the current store view? 

I would like to have it like this:
Store View EN: customer/account
Store View DE: kundenkonto

Thanks for any suggestions!



Re: Changing routes depending on Store View (Language)

Hi @rudolf_uivari,


Maybe you can start checking here:


If your domains are pointing to the Magento instance you can set each website or store view to use a specific domain or subdomain.

You can change the value of the URL changing the scope of the configuration:



Re: Changing routes depending on Store View (Language)

Hi Damian, 
thanks for your reply but that is not what I was asking for. I don't want to have two different domains for each language and as well not having the language code inside the domain. 

What I would like to have as result when a user is visiting for example the whishlist: -> Store View EN -> Store View DE

Independent from that, even if I would have two domains for two Store Views, I would still have only one Magento Instance and would rewrite all urls when setting the routes.xml like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:App/etc/routes.xsd">
    <router id="standard">
        <route id="wishlist" frontName="wunschliste">
            <module name="Magento_Checkout" />

So what I need is any kind of switch that allows me to set the routes in dependence of the current active Store View.

Re: Changing routes depending on Store View (Language)

Hi @rudolf_uivari,


Sorry, I missunderstood part of the question.

You won't be able to do it out-of-the-box.

Sections like Account, Cart, Checkout, Contact or Search result won't get translated URLs.


With M1 there was/is a module that allows you to do that (I didn't tried) but I don't remember anything for M2.


Maybe that module can help you to think about how to create your own solution?


(my 2 cents)

Re: Changing routes depending on Store View (Language)

Hi Damian, 
thank you a lot, thats a good point to start! 
