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Check if value is not empty from plugin/extension

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Check if value is not empty from plugin/extension

Hi everybody,


I've got the plugin product videos installed from the developer Niveus Extensions.
It adds an extra tab to the product in the backend.


In the product overview (frontend) I want to add an label if the product has a video available.
To do that I have to check if the value is filled in (e.g. not empty).

Does anyone know how to acces a value from a custom plugin wich adds a tab to the backend?

It would really help me!

Thanks in advance!




Re: Check if value is not empty from plugin/extension

Yes simple use below code to get value of your video attribute.


Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product')->getAttributeRawValue(<product_id>, 'attribute_code', <store_id>);

Just add your current product id, store id and your video attribute code... 


Good luck Smiley Happy

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Re: Check if value is not empty from plugin/extension

Thanks for your answer GMetha!

I tried your solution in a few different ways but it didn't work.
It seems that the videourl not is saved as an attribute. I've also checked the EAV table and I can't find anything about the videos either.

Do you know another solution maybe?

Thanks in advance!