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Conditional redirect after login

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Conditional redirect after login

I have built an external application that sits beside my Magento install. I use cURL to get the currently logged-in Magento user with the Magento REST API, and use that ID to authenticate my external application. My external application has a link to the Magento login page if the user is not logged in and a link to the logout page if they are logged in. 


I want to redirect the user back to this application if that is where they clicked the login/logout link from. I'd rather not build a complex module, rather I want to extend the basic Magento login controller to look for a $_GET variable that was attached to the URL, and if it is there, redirect the user to the external application. 


Like maybe my login link is like this:

and the controller sees that $_GET['external'] is not empty, so it redirects to

or if it is empty, redirect as usual to the dashboard. 


I have found a small tutorial that says to extend Magento\Customer\Controller\Account\LoginPost

but where do I extend it?

Do I put it in /app/code/Magento/Customer?


Re: Conditional redirect after login

Try the below code for redirection


if( !Mage::getSingleton( 'customer/session' )->isLoggedIn() )
    $this->_redirect(''); }