Hi All,
I would like to customize the item section inside a cart "pop-up", I'm following this tutorial https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.2/frontend-dev-guide/templates/template-sample.html
The steps that I'm trying to follow:
1- I grab this HTML https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.2/app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/web/template/mi... and copied it to my theme folder.
2- Remove the product name from the product.
3- Replace the product name by a custom option that user has filled before he added the product to the cart.
ok for steps 1 and 2, but for the step 3 I have no idea how to do that, I believe that I need to call some Magento function passing to it the custom option SKU that I want or create this function if it doesn't exist. I don't know where can I call this function too.
I think this link https://www.atwix.com/development/how-to-add-the-details-for-cart-item-in-magento-2/ contains the solution, but something is missing because it is not working.