I would like to know where the function is for :
I found no function is called when postcode on cart is changed?
Hello @tvgarden
There is define into webapi.xml file
<route url="/V1/carts/:cartId/estimate-shipping-methods" method="POST"> <service class="Magento\Quote\Api\ShipmentEstimationInterface" method="estimateByExtendedAddress"/> <resources> <resource ref="Magento_Cart::manage" /> </resources> </route> <route url="/V1/carts/:cartId/estimate-shipping-methods-by-address-id" method="POST"> <service class="Magento\Quote\Api\ShippingMethodManagementInterface" method="estimateByAddressId"/> <resources> <resource ref="Magento_Cart::manage" /> </resources> </route>
From there you can find Interface name and you can find which class implement that you need to check in di.xml file
<preference for="Magento\Quote\Api\ShipmentEstimationInterface" type="Magento\Quote\Model\ShippingMethodManagement" />
So you need to find
Magento\Quote\Model\ShippingMethodManagement.php with
estimateByAddressId or
estimateByExtendedAddress method from that class
Hope it will help you.
Thanks, that's helpful.
However I need to find a function in front-end.
Which is calling post: in storage.js ?
You can find post function inside storage.js from magento2-base module.
Full path for post function is,
Open this file and you can check post function with below value,
/** * Perform asynchronous POST request to server. * @param {String} url * @param {String} data * @param {Boolean} global * @param {String} contentType * @returns {Deferred} */ post: function (url, data, global, contentType) { global = global === undefined ? true : global; contentType = contentType || 'application/json'; return $.ajax({ url: urlBuilder.build(url), type: 'POST', data: data, global: global, contentType: contentType }); },