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Figuring out which function to call for a plugin

Figuring out which function to call for a plugin

I'm trying to create a plugin where if the final price is 0, instead of showing a price is should say "please call for pricing".

I created a plugin like this,  But I don't see any change.


namespace <Vendor>\<name>\Plugins;

class Product
public function aftergetCatalogPrice(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product $product, $finalPrice)
$price = $product->getData('price');
if ($price === 0) {
$finalPrice = "Please call for pricing";
} else {
return $finalPrice;
return $finalPrice;

I have a plugin that does call for pricing, but I don't see anything that could be overriding the price.


How can I figure out where the price is being set so I can override it?

