Hey all, I've seen some other threads about Magento 2 and ecommerce tracking but none of them help guide me in the right direction with the issue I'm having.
I am trying to set up enhanced ecommerce with Magento 2 but I'm not getting any data pulling through.
In Magento, the Google API is not set as we have GA running through GTM, however when I have previously had the Google API enabled the data still wasn't pulling through.
The developer has opted to use the plugin 'Magento 2 Google Tag Manager' from Github.
I have got all the recommended custom events set up in GTM for example 'productImpression' but, when I go to preview mode, these tags aren't firing.
In GTM, when I check the dataLayers, I can't see the information I need for my tag to fire.
I spoke to the developer about this and he said I should have everything I need, nothing to do on his end.
I'm lost as to what the issue is if the developer is correct and I do have everything I need.
Has anyone got any thoughts on what I should look into next to try and troubleshoot the issue?