Hi All,
I want to fetch product options value in my code, So anyone can explain me how can i get this as i am unable to fetch these value.
I want these data :
"options": [{
"label": "Candles",
"value": "2",
"print_value": "2"
}, {
"label": "Message",
"value": "Happyyyy",
"print_value": "Happyyyy"
}, {
"label": "Box Type",
"value": "Baby Blue",
"print_value": "Baby Blue"
}, {
"label": "Remarks",
"value": "A",
"print_value": "A"
As you can see this the data is in json format. but i am unable to fetch these values. Can somebody please help.
Can you please tell me where you need to get this data?
In PHP you can use JSON decode method to get values in Associative array form.
Here is the example:
$array = json_decode($response, TRUE);
If you are getting array somewhere else. Let me know.
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Hello @Ankita Biswas ,
You can get value by using below code
foreach($customOptions as $option) { $values = $option->getValues(); if (empty($values)) { //check if option has values (Option can have values only if option type is checkbox, radio, multiselect or drop-down) continue; } foreach($values as $value) { $valueTitle = $value->getTitle(); } }
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Hello @Ankita Biswas
you need to use /V1/products/{sku}/options api for this.
also, you can swagger into your Magento installation
let's example your domain name is
test.com then swager url is
check Magento swagger url
All api mention into there, you can find appropriate API for same
Hi @PankajS_Magento @gelanivishal @Sunil Patel
I want to fetch value of label, value, print_value from options. So how can i achieve this.
[product_options] => Array ( [info_buyRequest] => Array ( [qty] => 1.0000 [use_discount] => 1 [action] => [configured] => 1 [options] => Array ( [1] => 1 [2] => 4 ) [reset_count] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [label] => Core Size [value] => Size M [print_value] => Size M [option_id] => 1 [option_type] => drop_down [option_value] => 1 [custom_view] => ) [1] => Array ( [label] => Color [value] => Black [print_value] => Black [option_id] => 2 [option_type] => drop_down [option_value] => 4 [custom_view] => ) ) )
Hello @Ankita Biswas ,
Firstly, you can use ObjectManager:
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $cart = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Checkout\Model\Cart'); // get cart items $items = $cart->getItems(); // get custom options value of cart items foreach ($items as $item) { $options = $item->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)->getOrderOptions($item->getProduct()); $customOptions = $options['options']; if (!empty($customOptions)) { foreach ($customOptions as $option) { $optionTitle = $option['label']; $optionId = $option['option_id']; $optionType = $option['type']; $optionValue = $option['value']; } } }
$orderObject = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Sales\Model\Order'); // load by order id $orderId = 1; // YOUR ORDER ID $order = $orderObject->load($orderId); // load by order increment id // $incrementId = '000000001'; // YOUR ORDER INCREMENT ID // $order = $orderObject->loadByIncrementId($incrementId); $items = $order->getAllVisibleItems(); // get all items aren't marked as deleted and that do not have parent item; for e.g. here associated simple products of a configurable products are not fetched // Order items can also be fetched with the following functions // $items = $order->getAllItems(); // get all items that are not marked as deleted // $items = $order->getItems(); // get all items foreach ($items as $item) { $options = $item->getProductOptions(); if (isset($options['options']) && !empty($options['options'])) { foreach ($options['options'] as $option) { echo 'Title: ' . $option['label'] . '<br />'; echo 'ID: ' . $option['option_id'] . '<br />'; echo 'Type: ' . $option['option_type'] . '<br />'; echo 'Value: ' . $option['option_value'] . '<br />' . '<br />'; } } }
However, using ObjectManager directly for that is not the great solution. You can still use the code with dependency injection as the below:
<?php namespace Extension\HelloWorld\Block; class HelloWorld extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template { protected $_orderModel; public function __construct( \Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context, \Magento\Sales\Model\Order $orderModel, array $data = [] ) { $this->_orderModel = $orderModel; parent::__construct($context, $data); } public function getOrderItems($orderId) { $order = $this->_orderModel->load($orderId); return $order->getAllVisibleItems(); } } ?>
$orderId = 1; // YOUR ORDER ID $items = $block->getOrderItems($orderId); foreach ($items as $item) { $options = $item->getProductOptions(); if (isset($options['options']) && !empty($options['options'])) { foreach ($options['options'] as $option) { echo 'Title: ' . $option['label'] . '<br />'; echo 'ID: ' . $option['option_id'] . '<br />'; echo 'Type: ' . $option['option_type'] . '<br />'; echo 'Value: ' . $option['option_value'] . '<br />' . '<br />'; } } }
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