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How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

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How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

Hi Dears


How can I call  external API from  Magento 2.2.5.


I want integrate magento 2.2.5 to 3rd party to call externall API and allow me to use the payment solution of this system.





Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

Hello @Plat,


You have an experience in Magento 2 to create a module. 

Now, Call for external REST API


You have to create an object by using the __construct method. \Magento\Framework\HTTP\ZendClientFactory $httpClientFactory 


After you can call external third party REST API by following code

$client = $this->_httpClientFactory->create();
$client->setHeaders(\Zend_Http_Client::CONTENT_TYPE, 'application/json');
$client->setHeaders("Authorization","Bearer 1212121212121");
$client->setParameterPost($params); //json
$response= $client->request();

return $response->getBody();

If my answer is useful, please Accept as Solution & give Kudos



Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

Hello @Plat


Give a try to this code, I am sure it will work for you to call external REST API in Magento 2.2.5



Hello @manuel_barbosa

Give a try to this code, I sure it will work for you to call external REST API in Magento 2.2.5

   protected $zendClient;

   public function __construct(
        \Zend\Http\Client $zendClient
    ) {
        $this->zendClient = $zendClient;

    public function yourfunction()
            $this->zendClient->setUri('YOUR THIRD PARTY API URL');
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                'Accept' => 'application/json',
                'Authorization' => 'Bearer yourvalue',
                'yourparameter1' => 'yourvalue1',
            $response = $this->zendClient->getResponse();
        catch (\Zend\Http\Exception\RuntimeException $runtimeException) 
            echo $runtimeException->getMessage();

Happy Coding :)



Happy Coding Smiley Happy

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Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

where to write this code

Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

You can use CURL for executing any API url like follwos:


     * Constructor.
     * @param Magento\Framework\HTTP\Client\Curl $curl
    public function __construct(
        \Magento\Framework\HTTP\Client\Curl $curl,
        \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger,
    ) {
        $this->curlClient = $curl;
        $this->logger = $logger;
        $this->config = $config;

    public function createAlert($data)
        try {
            $params = json_encode($data);

            $this->curlClient->addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

            $auth =  $this->getApiKey();
            $this->curlClient->addHeader("Authorization", $auth);

            $url = $this->getApiUrl() . "/v2/alerts";
            // post method
            $this->curlClient->post($url, $params);

            // output of curl requestt
            $result = json_decode($this->getCurlClient()->getBody(), true);
                        $this->logger->info(print_r($result, true)); 

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            return false;

For more information check the official devdoc url :

Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

Thank you so much for sharing it helped me a lot to solve my problem. Thanks Again.

Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

thanks!!, it helps

Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

It also helps me alot This link works for me too!! Thanks Again.

Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

I had same issue before couple of days but now it  would be solved by everyone suggestions.

thanks for the information, keep sharing such informative suggesting.


Re: How can i call external REST API from Magento 2.2.5

It also helps me alot This link works for me too!! Thanks Again.