Hi all,
i need to idea how to add value in dorpdown or select attributes in product added or edited.
For example i crate web show whit many categories and products types:
office furniture
office cunsumative,
office consummative,
elecronics like a printers, phone, television.
All products have same attributes like brand manufacturer etc, but i need to add new value in brand when creating products.
Any idea how to make this ?
Thanks, and sorry for may bad english
For Add new Brand Option in Product create time, You must add new options into brand attribute,
You need to first add Brand Option from Stores -> Attribute -> Product
Edit Brand Attribute,
From Manage Options(Value of your attribute) section add new option.
Save Brand.
Now Create New Product, Select your new attribute from brand drop-down options, Your new attribute value will be seen in the product page.
I have quick add attributes value - when editing product.
Somting like woocommerce adding attributes process.