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How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

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How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

Hi, all.
I have very stupid question:
How to add and use new column in exist db table (for example customer_address_entity).

I added some column in db table, but can't set data using $obj->setData('custom_field',$custom_value), i need to custom field in DB, not EAV, custom addribute, extension attribute and another bull**bleep** in Service Contract.


Re: How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

Re: How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

I don't need stupid extension attribute or custom attribute or something else attribute. I need to add this field directly on db. I found solution but is very very bad.
I'm developer and i need direct access to DB field, but is magento Service Contract is too many not compatible interfaces.
For example if i use Collection to get data form model, that return all field in DB, but if i use Repository, that return random field.
Second if i need to set data to db directly for example i make many to many relationship whit extra field, i need to create custom query to add that data, but this is very big problem when i use loop to add multiple records.

I need for KISS solution for that. May be like ($object->setData('db_field',$value) to add value.
Please help.

Re: How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

I dont have an idea without extension attribute.

For example, in my case i want to add custom field i  order table. If I want to pass through the data and needs to be stored after placing order it must needs be saved in quote. so I followed extension attribute it works fine. In the observer file I get the quote value by 

public function beforeSaveAddressInformation(
\Magento\Checkout\Model\ShippingInformationManagement $subject,
\Magento\Checkout\Api\Data\ShippingInformationInterface $addressInformation
) {
if (!$extAttributes = $addressInformation->getExtensionAttributes()) {

$quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActive($cartId);



Reference : 

Re: How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

Thanks for reply, but i need something easy.

I added three fields in customer_address_entity and need to work whit him.
If i use extension attribute, i can't search whit SearchCriteria. If i added in table i can't set value.

"I dont have an idea without extension attribute." - because i can't search whit search criteria.

Re: How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

can you try it with eav attribute,which saves the values as you asked for.

Re: How to add custom db_field in exists magento module table

O say again, I need direct access on this db field. If I use something else like(EAV or custom attribute) I made to overhead to getter that value or setter that value. I have 500 000 customers, every customer have minimum 15-20 addresses. In every 10 minutes I need to sync Magento whit ERP system. If I use EAV Magento consume too many resources for simple update.

Please again, tell me how to add this db field in Customer Address directly on Service Contract.