I am creating redirect payment in magento 2. I need to display my custom values in admin salse order payment info block.
I have tried to rewrite below Magento\Payment\Block\ConfigurableInfo via frontend/di.xml as well as etc/di.xml but its not working.
<preference for="Magento\Payment\Block\ConfigurableInfo" type="Demo\Custom\Block\Payment\Info"/>
Here is Info.php code
<?phpnamespace Demo\Custom\Block\Payment;
use Magento\Framework\Phrase;
use Magento\Payment\Block\ConfigurableInfo;
class Info extends ConfigurableInfo
protected function getLabel($field)
switch ($field) {
case 'paymentid':
return __('Payment Id');
case 'result':
return __('Transaction Status');
case 'tranid':
return __('Transaction ID');
case 'auth':
return __('Authorization Number');
case 'trackid':
return __('Tracking Id');
return parent::getLabel($field);
Thanks for your answer in advance.
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