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How to get downloadable product sample URL in product list of a category view ?

How to get downloadable product sample URL in product list of a category view ?


I would like to customize the product list of a category in order to display an audio player for each product. The audio player will be set with the URL of the sample downloadable product.
I have ever done this in the product view, it was easy because this URL is already available in the product view template. I don't find in the developer guide of Magento 2.2 how to manage magento objects (product and category) in layout and template. I'am new in magento 2 but I worked since few years with magento 1. Is some one can tell me where I can found documentation or example ?


Best regards,


Re: How to get downloadable product sample URL in product list of a category view ?

Hi @Yohannento,

Check the below stack solution. 


Might be it help you!

Re: How to get downloadable product sample URL in product list of a category view ?

Thanks for the link, can you please just tell me in which file I should add the function getSampleCollection($productId){ .....} ?