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M2 - Get all categories from cross sell products

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M2 - Get all categories from cross sell products

I have a specific thing that I want to make because I can't find a extension that comes close to what i need.


On this page:


When you click next to Recommended Accessories on "View all" you see a list of all compatible accessories for the product.


I want to make such thing with the cross sell products in Magento, I managed to get the cross sell products id and the categories where they in.


	//$myBlock = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()->get('Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Block\HelloWorld');

	$crossSellProducts = $_product->getCrossSellProducts();	

	if( $crossSellProducts != "") {
		foreach ($crossSellProducts as $crossSellProduct) {

		$categoryCollectionCross = $crossSellProduct->getCategoryCollection();
		Crosssell product: <?php echo $crossSellProduct->getSku(); ?><br>
			foreach ($categoryCollectionCross as $categoryCollectionCrossItem) { 
				$crossCategoryId = $categoryCollectionCrossItem->getId();
				$_objectManagerCat = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
				$categoryNameAv = $_objectManagerCat->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\Category')->load($crossCategoryId);
				Categorie ID: <?php echo $crossCategoryId; ?><br>
				Categorie Name: <?php echo $categoryNameAv->getName(); ?><br>
		echo "<br>";

I know that making direct use of the Object Manager is not ideal, but I don't know a way to make it work with DI.


First thing I need is a list of the categories from the cross sell products so I can make navigation menu. But I don't want double categories.


Is there anyone who can help me with that?


Re: M2 - Get all categories from cross sell products

Hello @Purple 


make one helper file and pass argument as category id.


in that helper file you will do what ever logic and call that helper into that file.


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Sunil Patel
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer & Frontend Developer