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Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

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Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

I added your code like this:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:App/etc/routes.xsd">
   <!--define id for frontend route is “standard”-->
   <router id="standard">
       <!--Route name-->
       <route id="Post" frontName="Post">
           <!--Module name-->
           <module name="MassiveArt_ShoppingCart" />

But I am not sure what i need to add in the orute id and frontName. 


This is the Code of the Controller if you need it:This is my file structure This is my file structure<?php

namespace MassiveArt\ShoppingCart\Controller\Index;
use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action;
use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context;
use Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey;
use Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\JsonFactory;
use Magento\Checkout\Model\Cart;
use Magento\Catalog\Model\Product;
class Post extends Action
    protected $formKey;
    protected $cart;
    protected $product;
    public function __construct(
       Context $context,
	     JsonFactory $resultJsonFactory,
       FormKey $formKey,
       Cart $cart,
       Product $product) {
            $this->formKey = $formKey;
	           $this->resultJsonFactory = $resultJsonFactory;
            $this->cart = $cart;
            $this->product = $product;
    public function execute()
	     $result = $this->resultJsonFactory->create();
       $productId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('productId');
       try {
		       $params = array(
                    'form_key' => $this->formKey->getFormKey(),
                    'product' => $productId,
                    'qty'   => 1
        	  $product = $this->product->load($productId);
       		  $this->cart->addProduct($product, $params);
		        $result->setData(['message' => __("Product is added in cart")]);
            return $result;
       } catch(\Exception $e) {
		       $result->setData(['error' => __($e->getMessage())]);
		       return $result;

Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

Please change Post as "post" (small letter) and change your button_getcart.phtml as

jQuery("#getCart").on("click", function(){
                type:"GET", //First change type to method here
                headers: {
                  'X-Requested-With':  'XMLHttpRequest',
                  'Accept': '*/*',
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    "_customerID": 1, //for tests
                success:function(response) {
                		type: "post",
                		url: <?= $block->getUrl('post/index/post') ?>,
                		data: {
				        productId: response.Product_ID
                		success: function (data) {
                  alert("An Error occurred. Try again later");

Note: I hope you have created the folder in MassiveArt\ShoppingCart\Controller\Index folder. Hope this will work for you. If still you face any issue please let me know.


Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

I will test this tomorrow thank you very much

Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

Good Morning, I now tested if it works but it still has error 404 not found, if i try to get to the url, you posted [$block->getUrl('post/index/post'), which is http://localhost/post/index/post/ in my case, manually I also get the error 404.

Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

Good Morning,

Please try to use $block->getBaseUrl().'/post/index/post'

and then check the url you are getting by $block->getBaseUrl().'/post/index/post'

If still you face any issue, please let me know.


Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

Now I get this URL: http://localhost//post/index/post, but still I get the error 404

Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked


Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

As I cant post a image, please follow this link:

Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

This is fine but you are not getting you magento website base url try to pass it as static value and then check eg: "http://localhost/magento"."/post/index/post"

Re: Magento 2.3 : Load new custom items into Shopping Cart when an button is clicked

My base URL is localhost, the two links, you sended didn't work. I tried: http://localhost/magento/post/index/post as well as http://localhost/post/index/post