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Magento 2 - Create DataTime attribute for product

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Magento 2 - Create DataTime attribute for product

I'm trying to create datatime attribute for product in Magento2. But it didn't creating with time only the date is displaying.
If anybody have created this already. If means please share..


Re: Magento 2 - Create DataTime attribute for product

@Priya Ponnusamy Please share your code, Which code Have  you tried for creating datetime product attribute.

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Re: Magento 2 - Create DataTime attribute for product

@Rakesh Jesadiya Thanks for responding..
Sure. I'm updating my code here.

 $eavSetup = $this->eavSetupFactory->create(['setup' => $setup]); $eavSetup->removeAttribute(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::ENTITY, 'course_start_datetime');
$eavSetup->addAttribute( \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::ENTITY, 'course_start', [ 'group' => 'Custom Attribute', 'label' => 'Enable Start Date', 'type' => 'datetime', 'input' => 'date', 'input_renderer' => 'Velanapps\Test\Block\Adminhtml\Form\Element\Datetime', 'class' => 'validate-date', 'backend' => 'Magento\Catalog\Model\Attribute\Backend\Startdate', 'required' => false, 'global' => \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_STORE, 'visible' => true, 'required' => false, 'user_defined' => true, 'default' => '', 'searchable' => true, 'filterable' => true, 'filterable_in_search' => true, 'visible_in_advanced_search' => true, 'comparable' => false, 'visible_on_front' => false, 'used_in_product_listing' => true, 'unique' => false ] );

And the block for input renderer is below:

  namespace Velanapps\Test\Block\Adminhtml\Form\Element;
  use Magento\Framework\Data\Form\Element\Date;

  class DateTime extends Date {
       public function getElementHtml() {
$this->setTimeFormat($this->localeDate->getTimeFormat(\IntlDateFormatter::SHORT)); return parent::getElementHtml(); } }