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Magento 2 update layout using attribute sets

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Magento 2 update layout using attribute sets

I have to create new layout on product view page using xml on the bases of product attribute set......

Trying this but no luck: layout/catalog_product_view_attribute_set_id_10.xml

Any idea to achieve this?


Re: Magento 2 update layout using attribute sets

This helper



Is responsible for updating layout handlers before rendering a product page.

In the method initProductLayout you can call the code: 

['id' => $product->getId(), 'sku' => $urlSafeSku, 'type' => $product->getTypeId()]

This code should (theoretically) add the following handlers:


The code below will let you add these handlers:

 * Add layout updates handles associated with the action page
 * @param array|null $parameters page parameters
 * @param string|null $defaultHandle
 * @return bool
public function addPageLayoutHandles(array $parameters = [], $defaultHandle = null) {
$handle = $defaultHandle ? $defaultHandle : $this->getDefaultLayoutHandle();
$pageHandles = [$handle];
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
$pageHandles[] = $handle . '_' . $key . '_' . $value;
// Do not sort array going into add page handles. Ensure default layout handle is added first.
return $this->addHandle($pageHandles);

Here's what you'll get for a simple product when running this method in debug



As you can see, the catalog_product_view_type_simple has been added.

This is how the whole list will look like:



If you need to add a rule to render a handler for a product ID attribute, you'll need a plugin for this method, that will add:


['attribute_set_id' => $product->getAttributeSetId()]

Thus, every product will get equipped with a handler.


P.S. If you don't know hot to create a plugin, just let us know and we'll describe you the requested set of actions.

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