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Magento REST API GetProducts returns product with 0 attributes count.

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Magento REST API GetProducts returns product with 0 attributes count.

I am using Magento REST api into my application. I want to download all products from my magentohost server to my C# application, but attributes count return 0 into products details. My code is shown below...


 var client = new MagentoApi()
             .Initialize(StoreUrl, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSerect)
             .AuthenticateAdmin(AdminUserName, AdminPassword);

 var filter = new Magento.RestApi.Models.Filter();                
filter.PageSize = 100;
filter.Page = 0; var sCode = Task.Run(async () => await client.GetProducts(filter)); MagentoApiResponse<IList<Magento.RestApi.Models.Product>> product = sCode.Result;

I have also done all setup into magento server. Please tell me what is the reason.