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[Magento2.2]Show a custom attribute in Customer table in administration template


Re: [Magento2.2]Show a custom attribute in Customer table in administration template

Re: [Magento2.2]Show a custom attribute in Customer table in administration template

Hi @RanjeetBhojwani ,


that thread helped me! 

To fix the issue i had to Update my custom attributes adding the 

 'is_used_in_grid' => true,

param in the Customer Entity, when creating the new attributes. Then i created the /etc/indexer.xml file with the following content:

<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Indexer/etc/indexer.xsd">
<indexer id="customer_grid">
<fieldset name="customer">
<field name="codice_fiscale" xsi:type="filterable" dataType="varchar"/>
<field name="piva_azienda" xsi:type="filterable" dataType="varchar"/>

 and now everything it's working as it should. Thank you