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Module not showing up in admin

Module not showing up in admin

I have installed magento version 2.2.3 now i have recently added a addon domain and in the same i have been trying to install payment gateway extension and themes but it is not reflecting in the admin panel. Can you please help me, where is the problem and how can I overcome the same. Waiting for a positive reply.

Re: Module not showing up in admin

Could you please provide steps , how you have added module ?


After adding module , have you run php bin/magento setup:upgrade command ?

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Module not showing up in admin

I have added the module in app/code folder and then run cmd php bin/magento setup:upgrade command

Re: Module not showing up in admin

okay after running upgrade command - please run php bin/magento setup:di:compile command


then check if its still not shown - please go to app/etc/config.php file and check your module entry is showing over there or not ?

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Module not showing up in admin

module entry not showing in app/etc/config.php file what to do now?

Re: Module not showing up in admin

return array (
  'modules' => 
  array (
    'Magento_Store' => 1,
    'Magento_Directory' => 1,
    'Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_Config' => 1,
    'Magento_Backend' => 1,
    'Magento_Theme' => 1,
    'Magento_Eav' => 1,
    'Magento_Backup' => 1,
    'Magento_Customer' => 1,
    'Magento_AdminNotification' => 1,
    'Magento_BundleImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_Indexer' => 1,
    'Magento_CacheInvalidate' => 1,
    'Magento_Cms' => 1,
    'Magento_Catalog' => 1,
    'Magento_Security' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_Rule' => 1,
    'Magento_Cron' => 1,
    'Magento_Msrp' => 1,
    'Magento_Search' => 1,
    'Magento_Bundle' => 1,
    'Magento_Quote' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite' => 1,
    'Magento_Widget' => 1,
    'Magento_SalesSequence' => 1,
    'Magento_Payment' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogInventory' => 1,
    'Magento_Downloadable' => 1,
    'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite' => 1,
    'Magento_User' => 1,
    'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_UrlRewrite' => 1,
    'Magento_Sales' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogSearch' => 1,
    'Magento_Contact' => 1,
    'Magento_Cookie' => 1,
    'Magento_Newsletter' => 1,
    'Magento_CurrencySymbol' => 1,
    'Magento_Checkout' => 1,
    'Magento_Integration' => 1,
    'Magento_CustomerImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_SampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Deploy' => 1,
    'Magento_Developer' => 1,
    'Magento_Dhl' => 1,
    'Magento_Authorization' => 1,
    'Magento_Tax' => 1,
    'Magento_ImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_Weee' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogRule' => 1,
    'Magento_Email' => 1,
    'Magento_EncryptionKey' => 1,
    'Magento_Fedex' => 1,
    'Magento_GiftMessage' => 1,
    'Magento_GoogleAdwords' => 1,
    'Magento_GoogleAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_Ui' => 1,
    'Magento_GroupedImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_GroupedProduct' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_DownloadableImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_DownloadableSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_InstantPurchase' => 1,
    'Magento_Analytics' => 1,
    'Magento_LayeredNavigation' => 1,
    'Magento_Marketplace' => 1,
    'Magento_MediaStorage' => 1,
    'Magento_ConfigurableProduct' => 1,
    'Magento_MsrpSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Multishipping' => 1,
    'Magento_NewRelicReporting' => 1,
    'Magento_Reports' => 1,
    'Magento_OfflinePayments' => 1,
    'Magento_SalesRule' => 1,
    'Magento_OfflineShipping' => 1,
    'Magento_PageCache' => 1,
    'Magento_ConfigurableProductSales' => 1,
    'Magento_Vault' => 1,
    'Magento_Persistent' => 1,
    'Magento_ProductAlert' => 1,
    'Magento_BundleSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_ProductVideo' => 1,
    'Magento_Paypal' => 1,
    'Magento_QuoteAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_ReleaseNotification' => 1,
    'Magento_Review' => 1,
    'Magento_RequireJs' => 1,
    'Magento_Shipping' => 1,
    'Magento_ReviewAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_ConfigurableSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Robots' => 1,
    'Magento_Rss' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable' => 1,
    'Magento_CheckoutAgreements' => 1,
    'Magento_SalesAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_SalesInventory' => 1,
    'Magento_OfflineShippingSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogRuleSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_CustomerSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Captcha' => 1,
    'Magento_ThemeSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_ProductLinksSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_CustomerAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_SendFriend' => 1,
    'Magento_Wishlist' => 1,
    'Magento_Signifyd' => 1,
    'Magento_Sitemap' => 1,
    'Magento_SalesRuleSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Swagger' => 1,
    'Magento_Swatches' => 1,
    'Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation' => 1,
    'Magento_SwatchesSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_ReviewSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_TaxImportExport' => 1,
    'Magento_TaxSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Authorizenet' => 1,
    'Magento_CmsSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_Translation' => 1,
    'Magento_GoogleOptimizer' => 1,
    'Magento_Ups' => 1,
    'Magento_SalesSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_Usps' => 1,
    'Magento_Variable' => 1,
    'Magento_Braintree' => 1,
    'Magento_Version' => 1,
    'Magento_Webapi' => 1,
    'Magento_WebapiSecurity' => 1,
    'Magento_GroupedProductSampleData' => 1,
    'Magento_CatalogWidget' => 1,
    'Magento_WidgetSampleData' => 1,
    'Dotdigitalgroup_Email' => 1,
    'Magento_WishlistAnalytics' => 1,
    'Magento_WishlistSampleData' => 1,
    'Shopial_Facebook' => 1,
    'Temando_Shipping' => 1,

Re: Module not showing up in admin

Seems like your module is not installed correctly . so its not showing here.


Please check namespace of your module or registratiion.php file of module and copy VendorName and ModuleName from there and create same directory in app/code folder VendorName/Namespace and then put all the files in it.


Which module you are trying to install ? link or post its registration.php file code !!

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Module not showing up in admin

It is payment gateway module registration.php ( PHP script, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators )
use \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar;
ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'PayUMCitrus_Pumcp', __DIR__);

Re: Module not showing up in admin

okay so now in your app/code folder this module directory structure should be like below :




then in Pumcp folder put all the files of that module and then run below commands :



php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush



if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Module not showing up in admin

Still the same issue persist. Is there any thing related to permission? because i have two domain on one host account; one domain is properly working whereas this one is having issue.