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Not being passed the parameter "dest_city" in the shipping process

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Not being passed the parameter "dest_city" in the shipping process


Good afternoon

Not being passed the parameter "dest_city" in the shipping process

We can do the following test

By editing


add the following code to function SetRequest

Should be as

public function setRequest(\Magento\Framework\DataObject $request)


We see that in


we return where we do not have the varaivel "dest_city"


'dest_country_id' => 'US',
'dest_region_id' => '2',
'dest_region_code' => 'AK',
'dest_postcode' => '99501',

[2015-11-17 16:34:05] main.DEBUG: Magento\Framework\DataObject::__set_state(array(
'_data' =>
array (
'is_generate_label_return' => NULL,
'store_id' => '1',
'id' => '1',
'password' => '1',
'account_nbr' => '1',
'shipping_key' => NULL,
'shipping_intl_key' => NULL,
'shipment_type' => NULL,
'dutiable' => NULL,
'duty_payment_type' => NULL,
'content_desc' => NULL,
'dest_postal' => '99501',
'dest_street' => false,
'dest_street_line_2' => NULL,
'dest_city' => NULL,
'dest_phone_number' => NULL,
'dest_person_name' => NULL,
'dest_company_name' => NULL,
'dest_country_id' => 'US',
'dest_state' => 'AK',
'weight' => 1,
'free_method_weight' => 1,
'order_shipment' => NULL,
'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => '22.0000',


Boa Tarde

Não está sendo passado o parametro "dest_city" no processo do frete

Podemos efetuar o seguinte teste

Editando o arquivo


adicionar o seguinte trecho para a function setRequest

Devendo ficar como

public function setRequest(\Magento\Framework\DataObject $request)


Vemos que em


temos o retorno onde não temos a varaivel "dest_city"


'dest_country_id' => 'US',
'dest_region_id' => '2',
'dest_region_code' => 'AK',
'dest_postcode' => '99501',

[2015-11-17 16:34:05] main.DEBUG: Magento\Framework\DataObject::__set_state(array(
'_data' =>
array (
'is_generate_label_return' => NULL,
'store_id' => '1',
'id' => '1',
'password' => '1',
'account_nbr' => '1',
'shipping_key' => NULL,
'shipping_intl_key' => NULL,
'shipment_type' => NULL,
'dutiable' => NULL,
'duty_payment_type' => NULL,
'content_desc' => NULL,
'dest_postal' => '99501',
'dest_street' => false,
'dest_street_line_2' => NULL,
'dest_city' => NULL,
'dest_phone_number' => NULL,
'dest_person_name' => NULL,
'dest_company_name' => NULL,
'dest_country_id' => 'US',
'dest_state' => 'AK',
'weight' => 1,
'free_method_weight' => 1,
'order_shipment' => NULL,
'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => '22.0000',