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Place an order without sending email

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Place an order without sending email

Hi everyone,

I'm using the following code to place an order programmatically in Magento 2:

 // Configure the quote
    $quote = $this->cart->getQuote();

    // Set the payment method
    $payment = $quote->getPayment();
    $payment->importData(['method' => 'custom_gateway']);

    // Update the quote

    // Place the order


This code is creating the order as expected, but is also sending an email to the shopper.

I would like to send the confirmation email at a later stage in the process, only when the payment has been confirmed.


How can I place an order without notifying the customer? As a solution I would like to avoid turning email notifications off in the global configuration.


Thanks a lot for your answers. 


Re: Place an order without sending email

Turn off automatic sending an email after order placement, and then use this code when you decide to do it at some point:

$orderid = '100000003';
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$order = $objectManager->create('Magento\Sales\Model\Order')->loadByIncrementId($orderid);

Also, do not use ObjectManager, rather inject dependencies via constructor. I've pasted code with ObjectManager just to make it clear what should be used.

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Re: Place an order without sending email

Thank you very much for this answer.

Is there a way to avoid turning off emails globally? I am working on a custom payment gateway and my worry is that if a user turns off emails globally, other payment gateways that need it might be impacted. Isn't it possible to manage this programmatically for each order placed?

Re: Place an order without sending email



public function __construct(
\Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface $cartRepositoryInterface,
\Magento\Quote\Api\CartManagementInterface $cartManagementInterface,

$this->cartRepositoryInterface = $cartRepositoryInterface;
$this->cartManagementInterface = $cartManagementInterface;

public function execute()
$cart = $this->cartRepositoryInterface->get($cart->getId());
$order_id = $this->cartManagementInterface->placeOrder($cart->getId());

we are using above method and all order place without send email, hope it will work for you.

Problem solved? Click Kudos & Accept as Solution!
Sunil Patel
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer & Frontend Developer

Re: Place an order without sending email

thank you for this. I will try and let you know soon if it works for me.