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Randomize product order on category pages

Randomize product order on category pages

Hi, I'm working on one module that will randomize the products in category pages. When a customer enters category page the products should be in random order, when they reload the products should randomize again without re-indexing. Is this possible on magento 2?


Re: Randomize product order on category pages

This is not a good idea for several reasons:


1. The site speed aspect - you will never be able to serve a cached version of the category page. 


2. The SEO side of things - every time a crawler visits the page the content will change, making search engines confused in terms of what the content of this page will be if they send traffic your way.


3. The usability side of things -  as a customer, if I send this category page to my friend and ask him for example about the 1st product, I am not aware that my friend will not see the same collection of products as I do.

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Re: Randomize product order on category pages

Any alternative solution for my solution? I have brand name attributes which is repeating when the customer goes to listing page they will see only one brand at the top, I want to shuffle.

Re: Randomize product order on category pages

We built code that randomly lists the products on category pages by day, by week, among others, it solves all of the problems raised by @toniagency82ed.