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Send file from one folder to another on ftp server in magento2

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Send file from one folder to another on ftp server in magento2

Hi All,


I want to transfer file from one location(i.e, /test) to another (/test/archive) on my FTP server. But i am facing issues. Can somebody help me in this.


$ftp = $this->getFtp();
        $localpath = $this->scopeConfig->getValue(self::FTP_FILE_LOC, $storeScope);
        $ftp->delete($localpath .'/'. $fileName);
        $localArchivepath = $this->scopeConfig->getValue(self::ARCHIVE_FTP_FILE_LOC, $storeScope);
        if (!$ftp->is_dir($localArchivepath)) {

        $ftp->put($localpath.'/'.$fileName, file_get_contents($localArchivepath .'/'. $fileName));

But i am facing this error Call to a member function delete(), is_dir(), chdir() on boolean.


Can somebody suggest me. what can i do?

Magento Developer
Ankita Biswas