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Static content deployment issue

Static content deployment issue

I  have using magento 2.02. and using a custom theme


From last 15days, it have facing an issue.Static content deployment does not work.

Always getting error when  try  run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy



Compilation from source: 
variable @product-name-link__color is undefined in file /var/www/html/Amit/var/view_preprocessed/css/frontend/Bh/Mytheme/en_US/css/source/_extends.less in _extends.less on line 252, column 23
250|     > a {
251|         .lib-link(
252|         @_link-color: @product-name-link__color,
253|         @_link-text-decoration: @product-name-link__text-decoration,
254|         @_link-color-visited: @product-name-link__color__visited,
255|         @_link-text-decoration-visited: @product-name-link__text-decoration__visited,>


I have set developer from  default to developer,


and flow:


Manually by clearing the pub/static and var/view_preprocessed directories and subdirectories. except forpub/static/.htaccess.

To clear the pub/static directory of all files except .htaccess, enter the following command:
find . -depth -name .htaccess -prune -o -delete


but getting same error.


Can any one tell me  how to resolve and debug this issue


Re: Static content deployment issue

Looks like a bug of your custom theme Bh/Mytheme.

I recommend to ask the theme's developer to fix the bug.