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Trying to get my new custom module fields as attributes in magento catalog rule module

Trying to get my new custom module fields as attributes in magento catalog rule module

I have created a new module with a table (distribution_channel) 

I want to get new created fields in magento catalog rule in condition selection after  (customer attributesScreenshot from 2022-01-20 11-42-30.png Screenshot from 2022-01-20 11-39-36.png Screenshot from 2022-01-20 11-39-36.png Screenshot from 2022-01-20 11-42-30.png


Re: Trying to get my new custom module fields as attributes in magento catalog rule module

We will need to take the following steps to add the new attribute:
1. Create a new module.
2. Add an InstallData script.
3. Add a source model.
4. Add a backend model.
5. Add a frontend model.
6. Execute the InstallData script and verify that it works.

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