This is really a weird one.
When you checkout as a guest the first form that appears for the Shipping Address has a text saying:
"You can create an account after checkout."
The page is https://<your-domain>/checkout/#shipping
To modify the text I have:
- copied the file from
vendor/magento/module_checkout/ view/frontend/web/template/form/element/email.html
- changed the text in it (see the part with "This is a test...")
... ... <form class="form form-login" data-role="email-with-possible-login" data-bind="submit:login" method="post"> <fieldset id="customer-email-fieldset" class="fieldset" data-bind="blockLoader: isLoading"> <div class="field required"> <label class="label" for="customer-email"><span data-bind="i18n: 'Email Address'"></span></label> <div class="control _with-tooltip"> <input class="input-text" type="email" data-bind=" textInput: email, hasFocus: emailFocused, afterRender: emailHasChanged, mageInit: {'mage/trim-input':{}}" name="username" data-validate="{required:true, 'validate-email':true}" id="customer-email" /> <!-- ko template: 'ui/form/element/helper/tooltip' --><!-- /ko --> <span class="note" data-bind="fadeVisible: isPasswordVisible() == false">This is a test....</span> </div> </div> ... ...
- cleared cache
rm -Rf var/cache/* rm -Rf pub/static/* rm -Rf generated/* bin/magento c:f
Overriding template files is normally not a problem and I have done it a few times.
But here nothing is changing!!??
It should be simple so I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.
I would really appreciate some help or hints.
Thanks so much!
Hello @jeromeclic79eb
You can change this string by csv translation. Kindly follow below steps:
1. Create custom module
>> app/code/CustomModule/Test/i18n
2. Create csv file as below
>> for english (United state) => en_US.csv
3. Add string you want to change in csv file as below:
>> “<word in english language>”,”<word in language to convert>”
Run below commands:
1. bin/magento setup:upgrade 2. bin/magento setup:di:compile 3. bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
It may help you.
Thank you
Thanks so much Bhanu for your quick reply.
It sounds like a solution what you are suggesting.
I have solved my problem for now using JavaScript but I will try your solution as well later and come back to you with my results.
Thanks again.