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Uploading a base64 Image to Media folder via Javascript

Uploading a base64 Image to Media folder via Javascript

Any ideas how I may do that from the Admin panel. I've got the image in base64 but just trying to figure out how I can now upload it to the media folder.


Pointing me to code in magento that shows a rough example is totally an acceptable answer Smiley Wink





Re: Uploading a base64 Image to Media folder via Javascript

Hello @dylandadob,


There is no magento things required for that you can do with file_put_content


file_put_contents($output_file, file_get_contents($base64_string));

Here output file will be file  you created with fopen() , so create file with fopen and put your code with file_put_content


If you want to use file_put_content with magento way then


add dependency in your class for




and with $fileDriver object you can call filePutContents Method like below


$file->filePutContents($path, $content);


 If my answer solves your concern then hit kudos button and mark as accepted





Re: Uploading a base64 Image to Media folder via Javascript

Hi @dylandadob


Lets 's say you have base64_encoded image string in a variable called $imageString


$imageString = "your_base64_encoded_image";


First you need to decode by using base64_decode function and then you need to give full path along with filename in file_put_contents functions.


Below is the code for the same :


$imageString = "your_base64_encoded_image";
file_put_contents('../pub/media/MyFile.jpg', base64_decode($imageString));

If you just wanted to try first this - create a php file in root folder of magento 2


Then put above code in it - then run via browser and check


It will generate image file for the same


Hope it helps !

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution