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Validation message not showing.

Validation message not showing.

Hi All,


When I try to add  a new shipping address in the checkout page the required validation message for the firstname and lastname field is not showing but for all others are showing. This happens for loggedin customers only. Any Idea ?
I added required field validation in LayoutPreprocessor.php for firstname and lastname but it is not working. The validation message will be shown when we input some value in the field and then clears. But on submitting the form with empty firstname and lastname the validation messages are not showing.


Validation Issue Validation Issue

Thank you


Re: Validation message not showing.

Hi @sayanth_k 

Please check within database :

SELECT * FROM `eav_attribute` where attribute_code = 'firstname'



Now check with table 'customer_eav_attribute_website', is_required field set to 1 or not. If not then set to 1.

It will make you field 'firstname' required on checkout page.

if issue resolved, please click on 'Kudos' & Accept as Solution!

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