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What is tested in category testGetCount() method ?

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What is tested in category testGetCount() method ?

I am new at unit testing and TDD. Looking at the Magento 2 source,  method I would like to use in my module. I also looked at the unit tests directory. My question is: what is exactly tested with testGetCount method? Can anyone explain it to me? 


    public function getCount()
        $categories = $this->categoriesFactory->create();
        /** @var \Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category\Collection $categories */
        $categories->addAttributeToFilter('parent_id', ['gt' => 0]);
        return $categories->getSize();




    public function testGetCount()
        $categoriesMock = $this->getMock('\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category\Collection', [], [], '', false);

            ->with('parent_id', ['gt' => 0])




Re: What is tested in category testGetCount() method ?

If anyone does not know, why this test is necessary why not remove it in next version of Magento??  Does anyone test at all Magento 2 modules? I would like any response (not any for 2 weeks ) or am I ignored in this forum?