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What is the meaning of Index, Default, sconnector, and ddg_automation in Cron Jobs

What is the meaning of Index, Default, sconnector, and ddg_automation in Cron Jobs

Hello Guys,


I am newbie in Magento and I want to understand the Cron Jobs please.

I know that Store operations that run according to a cron schedule include:

In addition, you can configure the following to run according to a cron schedule:

  • Order System Grid Updates and Reindexing
  • Pending Payment Lifetime

But in Control Panel > Store > Configuration > Advanced > System:

  Cron configuration options for group: Index

  Cron configuration options for group: Default

  Cron configuration options for group: sconnector

  Cron configuration options for group: consumers

  Cron configuration options for group: ddg_automation

  Cron configuration options for group: yotpo_yotpo


I do not understand what is the meaning of index, default, sconnector, consumers, and ddg_automation.


yotpo may be clear because it related and used for yotpo Review


Re: What is the meaning of Index, Default, sconnector, and ddg_automation in Cron Jobs

Hi @mustafa_abdel a 

Cron group is name of the cron group. The group name doesn’t have to be unique. You can run cron for one group at a time. You can define multiple cron in a single group.

In store configuration, you can set configuration for pre defined cron groups.

For more info : Name of the cron group. The group name doesn’t have to be unique. You can run cron for one group at a time. 

I hope it will help you!

Re: What is the meaning of Index, Default, sconnector, and ddg_automation in Cron Jobs

Thanks you  @Vimal Kumar 


If i want to create new cron job inside default cron group, but i want to set different schedule time for it, is it possible or i have to create custom cron group.

What is the difference between crontab.xml file and cron_groups.xml file ?

In crontab.xml file i see each cron job has its own schedules but in cron_groups.xml file it seems the schedules is general for all cron jobs in the group, which one to use ?


crontab.xml file:

<group id="default">
    <job name="<job_1_name>" instance="<classpath>" method="<method_name>">
        <schedule>* * * * *</schedule>
    <job name="<job_2_name>" instance="<classpath>" method="<method_name>">
        <schedule>* * * * *</schedule>
<group id="index">
    <job name="<job_3_name>" instance="<classpath>" method="<method_name>">
        <schedule>* * * * *</schedule>
    <job name="<job_4_name>" instance="<classpath>" method="<method_name>">
        <schedule>* * * * *</schedule>

cron_groups.xml file:

<group id="<group_name>">

Also I do not understand what is the meaning of sconnector and ddg_automation cron group