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create new/update category programmatically for specific storeView not working

create new/update category programmatically for specific storeView not working



when i try to create/update a category programmatically for example to change the category name in my english storeView (2) to another name it does not work. The changes will go everytime to storeView 1 and not to the storeview that i defined:

use \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap;

$bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
$objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager(); 

$category = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Category')->load(78);
$d["updated_at"] = "2016-10-14 10:22:34";
$d["entity_id"] = "78";
$d["psl_wawi_cat_id"] = "42";
$d["position"] = "10";
$d["is_active"] = "1";
$d["store_id"] = "2";
$d["store"] = "2";
$d["storeid"] = "2";
$d["is_anchor"] = "1";
$d["name"] = "TESTA-1_ENG";
$d["custom_design_from"] = "";
$d["custom_design_to"] = "";
$d["include_in_menu"] = "1";
$d["default_sort_by"] = "";
$d["path"] = "1/2/74/78";
$d["level"] = "3";
$d["url_key"] = "testa-1-eng";
$d["attribute_set_id"] = "3";

after running that the name of the category is "TESTA-1_ENG" in storeView 1 but not in storeView 2. In storeView 2 it is the again the original name from the create process.

i think this must be a bug? Every save process will only affect to storeView 1 and not to the storeView that i defined.



Re: create new/update category programmatically for specific storeView not working

Why you again using objectmanager for saving. ? you can simly use $category->save();