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custom config.xml setting

custom config.xml setting

I'm creating a custom module for a hosted payment page option in magento 2


I want to create a new setting in mymodule/etc/config.

I've made it a sibling of title, currently with no value.


I'm trying to verify the path of the new setting by running

bin/magento config:show | grep mymodule

I see all the previous settings, but not the new setting

I've tried disabling and re-enabling via cli


What do i need to do to get this setting recognised?




Re: custom config.xml setting

Also, if I want the setting to be on a per-store basis I've tried this...

bin/magento config:set --scope=stores --scope-code=default  path/for/setting value

but I get the error

The "path/to/setting" path doesn't exist. Verify and try again.

obviously using the actual path...

I'm thinking putting the setting in config.xml isn't the way to set it on a per store basis, but I still need to "declare" the setting before setting it's value I think?