editing/changing Collapsible jquery element/magepl... - Magento Forums
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editing/changing Collapsible jquery element/mageplaza attachment extension

editing/changing Collapsible jquery element/mageplaza attachment extension

Hi All, so on our website, there is a collapsible element that uses jquery and within this collapsible element, there is a mageplaza attachment that is clickable. The problem, however, is that we want the collapsible aspect to go awhile and just statically have it on the page. We have looked through the magento2 file and searched all the magento2 files but cannot find any of the attributes listed in the web dev console. 


So my question is this:


1. Has anybody edited something like this before? If so, what files did you go to fix/edit it?

2. Does this have anything to do with the attachment and jquery being in a 'block'?

3. Easiest way to go about a fix?


I am new to magento and while I have coding experience with languages, the architecture of magento is throwing me for a loop. Thanks in advance!