Hi All,
Can you please help us with, how can we extend payment bridge class(as same as magento). we want to send merchantReferenceNumber as order Increment id instead of md5 microtime generator. Please help in extending this in a standard way,
I can see order_id is maintained in the query string.Can i send the same value as ($this->_getConfigValue('order_id')) instead md5 generated value.Suggest me the standard way for this.
class Varien_Payment_Gateway_Cybersource_Soap extends Varien_Payment_Gateway_Abstract
* Initializing soap header
protected function _initRequest()
$this->_request = new stdClass();
$this->_request->merchantID = $this->_getConfigValue('login');
// instead of above line we want to add $this->_getConfigValue('order_id')
$this->_request->merchantReferenceCode = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));