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get layered navigation programmatically

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get layered navigation programmatically


I want to get Attribute and its item programmatically (Layered navigation), I tried this

but its only showing attribute not items, can anyone help me


Re: get layered navigation programmatically

Thank you @tom_tyler, I already tried this, It is returning all the attributes which is not in layered navigation (which don't have items).

Re: get layered navigation programmatically


this is a while ago but it might help anyone who is looking for it:


You would need to do something like this:

$obj = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();

// Attribute - dropdown
$eavConf = $obj->get('\Magento\Eav\Model\Config');

$attr = $eavConf->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'your-attribute');
$aOptions = $attr->getSource()->getAllOptions();
$existingOptions = array(); foreach( $aOptions as $ao ) { $existingOptions[$ao['value']] =strtolower($ao['label']); } error_log("Attribute Options: " . print_r($existingOptions, true));

I hope this is helping Smiley Happy 


Re: get layered navigation programmatically