Im trying to load products and prices using the API. All products are available through the API call "products" but the price is missing:
To get prices I use the "products-render-info" but it is not possible to get prices for all products...:
The above API call returns for some SKU's:
{ "items": [] }
for some products purchable in the shop.
I also tried the "graphql" and it is the same problem but with different products:
{ products( filter: { sku:{eq:"033434"} } pageSize: 50 currentPage: 1 sort: { name: DESC } ) { total_count page_info{ total_pages current_page } items { id sku name __typename ... on ConfigurableProduct{ attribute_set_id } ... on CustomizableProductInterface{ options{ required title __typename option_id ... on CustomizableDropDownOption{ value{ title price price_type } } ... on CustomizableRadioOption{ value{ title price price_type } } } } price{ regularPrice{ amount{ currency value } } minimalPrice{ amount{ currency value } } maximalPrice{ amount{ currency value } } } categories{ id name } image{ url label } media_gallery_entries{ label id file types media_type } } } }
{ "data": { "products": { "total_count": 0, "page_info": { "total_pages": 0, "current_page": 1 }, "items": [] } } }
Why cant I get prices for all products?
We know, maybe it's some other bug for you, or just a feature which is what we had...
"they first updated the auto load code to use GraphQL to match the product manager, after finding the Magento internal code, for example when you did a product list search, would return 95% of the products, they had to built the search themselves to guarantee a complete result set, found this in other areas, gave up and wrote the entire GraphQL code themselves"