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hi there, i have a question
I am trying to save a product after updating the price via a new module in admin. I can update and view the prices from the page, but saving always results in empty admin screen, (no data other than page tile is renedered) if I remove the save function from the chain on the template page everything works as expected. Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated. I have included what I believe to be the relevant code below including how far I can trace the error below.
I have followed the code through "Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDB::updateObject()" which reports the data is saving, I havent figured out how to debug getConnection()->update() yet. But all I get on screen is the white page when ever I include save in the chain. I am under the assumption that because the abstract db model shows the error_log after it updates the connection that this is not causing the page to error out?
The block:
"Vendor\Module\Block\Adminhtml\Index" protected $_PRODUCTMODEL = NULL; protected $_OBJMANAGER = NULL; public function __construct(\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory $productCollectionFactory,array $data = [] ) {$this->_productCollectionFactory = $productCollectionFactory;parent::__construct($context, $data);$this->_OBJMANAGER = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();$this->_PRODUCTMODEL = $this->_OBJMANAGER->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product'); } public function productModel(){ return $this->_PRODUCTMODEL; } public function productData($sku){ return $this->productModel() ->loadByAttribute("sku",trim($sku)); }
The template:
adminhtml/template.phtml <?php foreach($this->getProducts() as $product){ //$product->setPrice("19.11"); //$product->save(); $productModel = $this ->productData($product->getSku()) ->setData("price","22.1111") ->save(); echo "ID:<pre>".print_r($productModel->toArray(),1)."</pre>"; } ?>
Output of print_r() without ->save() in the chain:
Array ( [entity_id] => 2052 [attribute_set_id] => 4 [type_id] => simple [sku] => xxxbxnxnxnxnxnnx [has_options] => 0 [required_options] => 0 [created_at] => 2016-03-14 13:46:27 [updated_at] => 2016-03-14 16:04:35 [name] => Tests Sku [meta_title] => Tests Sku [meta_description] => Tests Sku hello [image] => [small_image] => [thumbnail] => [custom_design] => [page_layout] => [options_container] => container2 [country_of_manufacture] => [url_key] => tests-asin [msrp_display_actual_price_type] => 0 [gift_message_available] => [swatch_image] => [status] => 1 [visibility] => 4 [quantity_and_stock_status] => 1 [tax_class_id] => 2 [price] => 22.1111 [special_price] => [cost] => [weight] => [msrp] => [special_from_date] => [special_to_date] => [news_from_date] => [news_to_date] => [custom_design_from] => [custom_design_to] => [description] => hello [short_description] => [meta_keyword] => Tests Sku [custom_layout_update] => [is_salable] => 1 )
How far I can trace the error:
<?php/** * Copyright © 2015 Magento. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license details. */ namespace Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db; abstract class AbstractDb extends AbstractResource { protected function updateObject(\Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel $object) { $condition = $this->getConnection()->quoteInto($this->getIdFieldName() . '=?', $object->getId()); /** * Not auto increment primary key support */ if ($this->_isPkAutoIncrement) { error_log("auto inc jamesk"); $data = $this->prepareDataForUpdate($object); if (!empty($data)) { error_log("data not empty jamesk"); error_log(json_encode($data)); $this->getConnection()->update($this->getMainTable(), $data, $condition); error_log("done saving jamesk"); <<should be succesful if it displays in error_log? } }
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Re: hi there, i have a question
Try to look at the page's source code (Ctrl + U) there should be an error message