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magento2 image path custmization

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magento2 image path custmization

In Magento2 ,while creating  product all images will store  to media folder .

Like pub/media/catalog/d/s/ image.png .It will  create random folder and goes.we dont want magento folder structure.
Instead of default we should customize and  create folders and image should save in the folder like Base,Medium,Small
It will be like /pub/media/catalog/base, /pub/media/catalog/medium, based on the image configuration in admin .The image should save in this format-sku_01,sku_02.
if its is more  images,suffix has to be increased like01,02,etc.
so the final path of image saved will  be Pub/media/catalog/base/sku_01.jpg .
Pub/media/catalog/medium/sku_01.jpg .Pub/media/catalog/small/sku_01.jpg