With Mag 1.9 SOAP API there is the magentoInfo method to return the magento_version and the magento_edition.
With Mag 2.1 Rest or SOAP API I cannot find a method return the version and edition.
Please advise how the version and edition may be retrieved using 2.1 API.
Unfortunately, there is no such API endpoint in Magento 2.x. But you can easily create your own API and obtain Magento version by using this snippet:
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $productMetadata = $objectManager->get('Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadataInterface'); $version = $productMetadata->getVersion();
Thanks for the reply.
we are 3rd party developers using SOAP and REST APIs to integrate with non owned Magento shops so we do not have access to the Magento source to add extensions.
Can you therefore please add this to the standard REST and SOAP APIs
If you want to suggest something to Magento Core team, like this feature request for adding SOAP/API call for checking Magento version, you should make the suggestion in Magento 2 Feature Requests and Improvements section of this forum. It will be taken into consideration depending on popularity/kudos.