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wishlist email share customization

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wishlist email share customization


using 2.2.2. The customer asks me to have SKUs in the email template coming from the wishlist sharing. So I overridden block this way:


namespace Hoop\Util\Block\Share\Email;

class Items extends \Magento\Wishlist\Block\Share\Email\Items
    public function getProductSku($product) {

and obviously di.xml:

<preference for="Magento\Wishlist\Block\Share\Email\Items" type="Hoop\Util\Block\Share\Email\Items" />

now when I try to share wishlist I get:

Invalid template file: 'email/items.phtml' in module: 'Hoop_Util' block's name: ''

what shoud be complete path for the template file?

Thanks a lot