I made my first steps with API REST. So far all is good working.
But some questions about product:
- Is it possible to upload a product and Magento with "add/update" it?
I upload to "rest/V1/products/SKU" .. so if the SKU exists he should update and if not he should add it. Is this correct?
Because there is a POST to "rest/V1/products" and a PUT to "rest/V1/products/{SKU}" .. what are the difference?
But with the images I´m not sure how to handle:
I upload a product with embedded image to "rest/V1/products/SKU"
- Wenn I upload a 3000x3000px image with 1MB and set it to "thumbnail" .. resize Magento the image? When not and I display 10 products, the client has to load 10MB of images? Or did I have before I upöload to resize it?
- When I generate a image, I set the "MediaGalleryEntry" with:
private int id;
private String media_type;
private String label;
private int position;
private boolean disabled;
private List<String> types;
private String file;
private Content content;
private ExtensionAttributes extension_attributes;
Which one is for the "Alt Text" ... I want to set the ALT text but anytime this field is empty in Magento after uploading a image - When I try to upload a bigger size of image (> 2MB) .. it takes sooooo long for the http POST. Is this because of Magento or my Java library which made the post?
- When I create a product, I get the response of the product ... crazy, because I get the image BASE64 image back ... when I upload a image with 2MB I also download after a JSON with 2MB ... is this correct?
When I upload first the product data and after only the images ... is this possible?
I did not found any methode for this in https://devdocs.magento.com/swagger/index.html#/
Thank you!