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Admin panel freezes when reindexing

Admin panel freezes when reindexing

Looking for solution to described issue.


When run the reindexing from the admin panel page freeze.

I was not able to move to different option in admin panel until the reindexing process (I think) ended. 

Admin panel on other tab also freeze until (again I think) end od reindexing process.


Magento runs on (AWS ECS) on EC2 - Ver 2.4.6; PHP 8.2.8; Nginx 1.25

Varnish 7.3.0 (AWS ECS) on EC2 under Elastic Load Balancer (AWS)

Opensearch 1.3 (AWS)



Re: Admin panel freezes when reindexing

It is best practice to set your indexes on update by schedule. -

Founder at

Re: Admin panel freezes when reindexing

I have update on schedule, but sometimes needs to update immediately. 

Re: Admin panel freezes when reindexing

You can run a SSH command to update indexes:


php bin/magento indexer:reindex 


It wouldn't freeze that way