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10:58 AM
10:58 AM
Argument 2 passed to Magento\InventorySales\Plugin\Sales\OrderManagement\AppendReservationsAfterOrde
I am trying to make a payment with PayPal and place the order, at the link paypal/express/placeOrder/ is showing me this issue:
Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Magento\InventorySales\Plugin\Sales\OrderManagement\AppendReservationsAfterOrderPlacementPlugin::afterPlace() must implement interface Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface, null given, called in ...
This is the code on line 119:
public function afterPlace(OrderManagementInterface $subject, OrderInterface $order): OrderInterface { $itemsById = $itemsBySku = $itemsToSell = []; foreach ($order->getItems() as $item) { if (!isset($itemsById[$item->getProductId()])) { $itemsById[$item->getProductId()] = 0; } $itemsById[$item->getProductId()] += $item->getQtyOrdered(); } $productSkus = $this->getSkusByProductIds->execute(array_keys($itemsById)); $productTypes = $this->getProductTypesBySkus->execute($productSkus); foreach ($productSkus as $productId => $sku) { if (false === $this->isSourceItemManagementAllowedForProductType->execute($productTypes[$sku])) { continue; } $itemsBySku[$sku] = (float)$itemsById[$productId]; $itemsToSell[] = $this->itemsToSellFactory->create([ 'sku' => $sku, 'qty' => -(float)$itemsById[$productId] ]); } $websiteId = (int)$order->getStore()->getWebsiteId(); $websiteCode = $this->websiteRepository->getById($websiteId)->getCode(); $stockId = (int)$this->stockByWebsiteIdResolver->execute((int)$websiteId)->getStockId(); $this->checkItemsQuantity->execute($itemsBySku, $stockId); /** @var SalesEventInterface $salesEvent */ $salesEvent = $this->salesEventFactory->create([ 'type' => SalesEventInterface::EVENT_ORDER_PLACED, 'objectType' => SalesEventInterface::OBJECT_TYPE_ORDER, 'objectId' => (string)$order->getEntityId() ]); $salesChannel = $this->salesChannelFactory->create([ 'data' => [ 'type' => SalesChannelInterface::TYPE_WEBSITE, 'code' => $websiteCode ] ]); $this->placeReservationsForSalesEvent->execute($itemsToSell, $salesChannel, $salesEvent); return $order; }
How can I solve this?
Our current Magento Version is 2.3.9 and, previously we had 2.3.4
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07:39 PM
07:39 PM
Re: Argument 2 passed to Magento\InventorySales\Plugin\Sales\OrderManagement\AppendReservationsAfter
Please check custom modules have any plugin override on method place
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LitExtension helps store owners and agencies migrate all important data from one eCommerce platform to another accurately, securely and at the highest speed.
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