I'm having some issues with product attributes. After migrating product data from an existing 1.8 installation to our new 2.1.5 CE setup I'm having problems with product attributes.
I have set up an attribute_set called Clothes https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2odRB5i9on_cHhmaUJGZzJodnc which has an attribute group called price. It has an attribute_set_id of 26.
However when I try to create a new product and changes the attribute _set_id to Clothes (set id 26) the price group doesn't show up and the meta information group has the wrong name. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2odRB5i9on_dTMwYzhYRnViNVk
I have tried to query the database correctly and it looks correct.
select * from eav_attribute_group where attribute_set_id = 26;
select b.* from eav_entity_attribute a, eav_attribute b where a.attribute_id = b.attribute_id and a.attribute_set_id = 26 and a.attribute_group_id = 164
I'm really struggling to see where the problem is. It really looks like a caching or indexing issue to me but I have tried reindexing and clearing cache multiple times and it makes no difference.
Any ideas?